Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ankle Update/ Law and Order SVU-esque NY Story

As I'm sure you've all been losing sleep over the status of my ankle injury, I wanted to relieve some of your worry with an update. I saw an orthopedist yesterday who was quite nice and attentive, and it turns out there is no gap between my tibia and fibula (which is a good thing!) That means no ligament rupture. Just a regular ankle sprain that was probably exacerbated by walking around so much. Do you think my insurance will cover cab rides? Cause I sure as hell can't and that's really the only way I could minimize my walking right now. But it is good news. It means no surgery and no more boot!! Actually he was ok with the boot but gave me an air cast instead (see pic to the left) so that I wouldn't have to lug that heavy boot around everywhere. Honestly, between that and my heavy rolley backpack w/ my anatomy and physiology books in it (3 of them!) I felt like the ghost of Christmas past...lugging my chains behind me. Ok, I can't take credit for that joke. A doctor friend of mine thought of it. But I thought it was quite clever. So there you have it. I will have 4 weeks of physical therapy starting next Friday (God only knows when I"ll fit in 2 appointments a week), and then I'll be as good as new...hopefully. So thanks for your worries, well-wishes and prayers. I am still in one piece!!
I've also got a great New York story for you. SOOO Law and Order SVU. So the wife of an acquaintance of Scott was on one of those subway cars that was packed like a can of sardines. Let me just say from experience that those cars SUCK. You're around a bunch of dirty, smelly strangers and you have to be like skin to skin with them. So this woman manages to step into the car as one of the last passengers who fits and is close to the door. She is annoyed to see a "dirty looking" man heading towards her from the platform. He makes it onto the train too, the door closes and while she's standing there, she feels this man grinding up against her. SICK AND WRONG! I told Scott that at this point my elbow would have been in his gut and he would be doubled over in pain. However, this lady apparently doesn't have my violent nature, so she just queasily put up with it until she got off the train. When she got off, she sort of glanced back to look at the guy and asked herself if she should do anything about it. She had just chalked it up to one of those crazy New York experiences when she gets tapped on the shoulder from behind. She turns around and this very large black man wearing chains is standing behind her. She's thinking Jesus Christ, what now? The man asked "Was there someone on that train who was bothering you?" And she said there was, surprised that anyone had taken notice. Turns out this guy is an undercover cop and he and his partner have been tracking this sick dirty grinding-strangers guy all day! They first found him suspicious when he would wait at the subway stops and let a bunch of trains go by until a really crowded one pulled up. Then he would get on. Ewwwwww is all I have to say about that. So this wife of my boyfriend's acquaintance (who will remain anonymous) will be testifying at a trial for this guy and they're pushing the trial up because she's moving out of the state in a few weeks. Crazy shit I tell you. Also, we learned that there is approximately 1 undercover cop on every subway train, most likely (in Scott and my opinion) looking for terrorists. But if they catch guys like this, that's an added bonus. Hotcha! Who would have known??
I thought that story was so great, I had to share it with all of you. Happy Thursday!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Reading Material: Sexsomnia and Eating Disorders

Just read this very interesting and equally amusing article on Check it out.

Another article on eating disorders also caught my eye as something that is worth reading. Its so true that the skeletal boddies of people with anorexia and bulemia catch our eye and fascinate us. I'm obviously guilty of this as I have blogged about it in the past. But this is a very sincere and different view of the situation. Enjoy!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Tony Awards, a New York must/ (A waste of) Thoughts on Paris Hilton

Last night Scott and I hosted a Tony Award Viewing Party (Tony Award Winners). We fit about 15 people (his classmates and 2 of my choir buddies) in our 500 sqft apartment to watch our 20 inch TV. Despite the crowding, it was enjoyable. And Spring Awakening was the big winner which I was quite happy about. Especially John Gallagher Jr.'s win for best featured actor. He's pretty fricking cute. I think I have a thing for punk rockers (e.g. Prom 2002...another story entirely). Other fabulous wins included Christine Ebersole in Grey Gardens. For those of you who haven't seen the documentary, see it! And then see the play. Make sure to watch the director's commentary first though, because it will make it more enjoyable. By the way, best line ever (imagine this in a THICK Long Island accent):

Edith 'Little Edie' Bouvier Beale: But you see in dealing with me, the relatives didn't know that they were dealing with a staunch character and I tell you if there's anything worse than dealing with a staunch woman... S-T-A-U-N-C-H. There's nothing worse, I'm telling you. They don't weaken, no matter what.

Oh classic.

Now some questions and comments re: The Paris Hilton/Jail debacle.
#1: Did the Hilton family pay off Sheriff Baca to allow Paris to leave prison for "medical reasons"?
#2: When the hell do we get to find out what the medical condition was? Thus far, I have heard reports of a rash, panic attacks and clausterphobia. If people are going to make such an ordeal about this situation, why can't they at least give us all the necessary details to make judgements? It's like when that damn lady on the bus the other night wouldn't give me details about the fight bloody-eye-man got into. What are you good for?? Don't tease me with such things.
#3: If Paris was really having psychological difficulty with her situation, which I believe really is the case, I truely sympathize with her. Not that she doesn't deserve what she's getting because the law should not be bent for famous people with money. But knowing from various sources and personal experience the sensations and thought process that goes along with panic attacks/anxiety/phobias, those things are more painful and unbearable than people could imagine. I think people who are lucky enough not to be plagued with those things could really undermine what Paris is feeling. NOT that she should have been let out of prison for those reasons. Thats just plain favoratism/special treatment by the Sheriff's department (I don't like this Baca guy). And really, why didn't they bring her to the medical ward sooner if she was really "deteriorating"? Why wasn't she forced to take her medication which she was supposed to take? That's just plain irresponsible. Sheriff Baca is on my loser list after this incident.