Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A visit to the Midwest

Ergggg, apologies that I have not been a more consistient poster as of late...but I have been officially "unplugged" for the last few days. I've been back in the Midwest for a few days to visit family and friends and eat carbohydrate-heavy foods while sipping beer- in short, all of the things that I equate with the Midwest in summer time.

A few impressions on the Mighty Midwest from the perspective of a now-West-Coast-dweller...
1) Everything is green. Green, green, green. It's like a leafy chlorypyhll-fillled explosion everywhere I look.
2) Everything is close together. Things I thought of as "far away" no longer really are.
3) Everything is inexpensive. So ridiculously inexpensive as to make me wonder what on earth I am doing paying so much to afford the basics of life.
4) Food here is hearty, delicious, and best accompanied by beer.
5) Just about everyone in the heartland has a Midwestern accent whether or not they think they do.
6) People here are just wider than they are on the coasts. Hearty and corn-fed and the like.

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