Friday, June 22, 2007


AHhhhhhhh hahahahha! I just found this great Newsweek quiz on Paris Hilton. Click on this link to check it out. Oh Newsweek. You're so clever.

Paris Hilton IQ Quiz

In othernews, I want to be just like Paris Hilton (not really) because our IQs are about the same. So I bought a Sidekick. No no. I will not be using a bedazzler on it. In fact, I'll be happy if its just plain white. And I didn't get the hard core
Sidekick III (which comes complete w/ built in phone and MP3 player). I got the Sidekick ID which still gives you internet access, email access, IMing access and unlimited text messages w/ a QWERTY keyboard. Oh, the beauty of it. I can't wait. And for those of you who know I just got a new phone in January, I'm sorry I'm being so excessive. I've just wanted one of these for a while and I finally found the money to switch phone companies (BOO SPRINT!) and buy the frickin phone of my dreams (hopefully). So, look forward to getting a text message from yours truly sometime in the near future.

P.S. My friend AL and I decided that a Sidekick wasn't too juvinile for me because I'm only 23. (Still a baby as she says...she's only 26 but still.) However, when I become a real adult, I have to get the adult version of the side kick:
A blackberry. We'll see.

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